Food Storage and Preparedness E-Book Bundle
available through Nourished Living Network
We believe in the well-stocked pantry. We believe in having something set aside for emergencies, illness, for financial difficulties, and to help your neighbor if those types of events touch their lives too.
From the philosophical perspective, we can all mentally assent to the above statement. From the standpoint of common sense , from the practical realities of frugality, and from our personal real-world experience, we can all agree to the above statement.
That is not the problem.
How? That is the problem. When? Okay, that is possibly the problem, too. With what resources? Okay, the problem list seems to be getting longer—maybe I should shut up.
Or maybe I should just offer a solution.
We are very proud of being part of the Nourished Living Network, a group of amazing people that believe in leading self sufficient and healthy lives, and they happen to be amazing bloggers. It is an honor to be apart of this blogging network and to be at the cool kid table with people of these caliber. Well, those really amazing bloggers have much wisdom to share in filling the pantry with nourishing food for long term food storage.
Take Marie, for instance, who blogs at Rural Living Today. She is all about practical application. As someone who is always doing something—I find that rather endearing. She does not just want to give us a practical plan to food preservation and food storage, she wants to help us do things sustainably. Just get a load of this title: Getting Started on a Food Supply Plan: Sourcing, Preserving, and Storing Food for Tomorrow’s Uncertain Times. See what I mean? Oh so practical.
I have been personally following KerryAnn Foster’s blog for about two years; recently renamed to Intentionally Domestic, she shares her wisdom in this e-book about food storage for those who eat real food, not chemically processed pre-packaged yuck. If you believe in both preparedness and traditional eating (like we do), than this e-book is a great place to start. All of her recipes in this ebook are kid-tested, family friendly, real food/whole food recipes .
Millie Copper is a long-time friend of Pantry Paratus. You might remember her as our podcast guest when we discussed things like why we should be prepared for emergencies…and when she discussed her “stretchy bean” concept. She, indeed, does wonderful things with Real Food for Less Money. I check in with her blog routinely for my own menu planning.
Angela is like the big sister in the group. Really. You might know her as the Untrained Housewife. She is full of wisdom, encouragement and support. I so wish I had her e-book Getting Prepared when I was new to the concept of preparedness because she is just the right person to explain it easily, clearly, and with encouragement that you can do it!
So many great resources in one spot, and a value that you just will not get if you purchase these individually. For as many books as I have read about food storage, I am jumping on this deal because I know the quality of work these authors publish and I know the subject matter is too important to my family’s health and well-being.
I very much want to see everyone produce, prepare, and preserve the harvest. I know how intimidating that process might seem, and we want to take the mystery and intimidation out of the process for you. So please, do not pass up this deal.
4 eBooks, retail value of $51.88, for only $10.95!
Remember – this sale is for ONE WEEK ONLY! It disappears forever on August 26th at 11:59pm PST!
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