Blueberry Pancakes
An Allergy-Friendly & Gluten-free Recipe
What you’ll need…
2 c almond flour
2 c buckwheat flour (mill your own with a Wondermill)
1 tbsp. baking soda
1 tsp sea salt
2 c fresh blueberries
1/2 c extra virgin olive oil
1 egg or egg substitute
1.5 c liquid of your choice
Additional liquid or water, if needed
1. Mix dry dry ingredients.
2. Mash blueberries, using a fork or potato masher, and add to your mixing bowl.
3. Add olive oil & egg, or try one of my egg substitutes.
4. Add liquid of your choice & stir/mix. If the batter is still too thick, slowly stir in additional water as needed. Sometimes the batter thickens as it sits (while I’m cooking the pancakes) & I have to add in more water.
5. Cook in olive oil on low heat. It’s about time to turn the pancake over when the uncooked side is filling up with little bubbles in the batter.
6. Smother pancakes with extra berries, syrup, or your other favorite toppings and enjoy!
That’s it! It really is pretty easy to make a tasty pancake using fresh berries. If you don’t have blueberries in your area, try substituting with another berry that you do have available.
What’s your favorite way to enjoy pancakes?