Breakfast, Snack, or Dessert Recipe
Bananas & Cream
Our favorite breakfast, snack, and dessert.
There is joy in cream. If you have never had the opportunity to drink milk fresh from the cow, you might not relate to this…but fresh cream brings delicious things. Thick ice cream, a great cup of coffee, perfectly delightful whipped cream, oh the list!
This is a raw milk recipe with fresh cream, but if you do not have access to that by state or province law, then you can use the cream from non-homogenized milk. Hey, we all have to work within the confines of our current raw milk anti-farmer laws. We know that you are doing the best you can for your family. But if you are not sure what that is, check out the Raw Milk Map on
Here is our favorite use of fresh cream in our home:
We do not often have fresh strawberries; those are just a happy addition.
All you need (per bowl):
1 sliced banana
¼ cup honey (to taste, really)
½ cup fresh cream
That’s it. It is to die for. My kids and I are unanimous about it. It takes less than 2 minutes to create, definitely less than 2 minutes to consume…but it’s the best 4 minutes of the day!
Be Nourished,
All pictures are property of Pantry Paratus; feel free to share them but please keep proper attribution. Thanks.
Nothing in this blog constitutes medical advice. You should consult your own physician before making any dietary changes. Statements in this blog may or may not be congruent with current USDA or FDA guidance.