DIY Tile & Grout Cleaner

DIY Tile & Grout Cleaner

Our guest post today is from Edna, who is a maintenance expert.  Be sure to read more about her at the end of this article; but in the meantime, let’s sparkle!  You know that my advice would always be to try the safest, most natural remedy first.  Edna gives us a few to choose from so that we can work up to the right solution. 

The trouble with grout is that it shows every speck of dirt, making your bathroom really unappealing. The same goes for your tiles. It’s really difficult to get stains off your bathroom surfaces, considering that they provide the perfect conditions for growth of bacteria and mold. Well, don’t panic. Here are a few homemade grout and tile cleaner recipes that may work wonders to keep your tiles free of dirt and stains. Check it out.

Grout Cleaner Recipe #1: Ammonia

Things you need:

  •  7 cups of water (warm)
  • ¼ cup of vinegar (white, distilled)
  • 1/3 cup of ammonia (household)
  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • 1-gallon container
  • Spray bottle
  • Scrub brush, sponge or cloth


The first thing you should do is pour water into a clean gallon container. Then add the other ingredients and stir continuously. The cleaning solution is ready. Transfer it into a spray bottle using a funnel. Spray onto your tiles or grout and scrub with a sponge or cloth. Rinse well and dry. Don’t mix the solution with bleach! Mixing vinegar or ammonia with bleach is highly dangerous and is completely out of the question.

cleaning tile
cleaning tile


Grout Cleaner Recipe #2: Bleach

Things you will need:

  •  ¼ cup of bleach
  • ¾ cup of baking soda
  • Scrub brush or sponge
  • Bowl


In a bowl, mix bleach and baking soda. Stir well. You need to make a thick paste. Once the paste is ready, simply apply it to the tiles or grout and allow it to work its magic for about 10 minutes. When the solution has sat there for a while, go back to it and scrub with a stiff brush or sponge. You might also want to use a toothbrush for all the crevices and corners that sponges and stiff brushes cannot reach. After you do this, allow another 10 minutes for the cleaner to work. Then rinse with water. Let it dry.

A few notes: Make sure to wear appropriate clothing while using this cleaner. It contains bleach, which is toxic. Use safety glasses and rubber gloves and air out the room after you are done cleaning.

scrubbing bathroom
No, this isn’t me!


Grout Cleaner Recipe #3: An Eco-friendly Alternative

For our UK readersSo far so good. You have a couple of frugal cleaning recipes to get grout and tiles gleaming but you want a cleaner that is gentle on nature and your family. Bleach and ammonia, although they are perfect for grout cleaning, are anything but harmless. Here is an eco-friendly grout cleaner recipe for all those of you who like to be extra precautious. This recipe is used by many professional cleaning companies like ShinyCarpets Cricklewood.


Things you need:

  •  Water
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide (optional)
  • Bowl
  • Scrub brush
  • Spray bottle


Start by making a solution of one part water and one part vinegar. Pour the solution into a clean spray bottle and spray your grout/tiles. Let stand for a while. Then go back to it and scrub with a brush. Rinse. The next thing you want to do is prepare a paste of water and baking soda. Apply onto the grout/tiles. Scrub with a toothbrush or stiff brush. Grab your vinegar solution and spray over the area. Continue scrubbing. Rinse.

If after doing this there are still stains on your grout/tiles, go for hydrogen peroxide. Simply spray some hydrogen peroxide on the affected area and let stand for a while. Scrub with a stiff brush or sponge. Repeat the procedure until the stain disappears.

Here is what to do to keep your tiles or grout from staining or getting dirty. Every time you are about to take a shower, take a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar with you in the bathroom. When you are done showering, spray the tiles with the solution. Use it twice a week and your grout and tiles will be in tip-top shape. No scrubbing required.

Hope this helps to deal with dirt on your grout and tiles. What cleaners do you usually use for your bathroom?

Edna is a professional cleaner and expert in the field of home improvement and maintenance. She is enjoying her life in London, taking care of her family.  Thanks, Edna, for sharing these DIY tips with Pantry Paratus.


6 thoughts on “DIY Tile & Grout Cleaner

  1. Great explanation of how to properly clean tile and grout. It doesn’t take much to ruin the grout work in your home. Thanks for the great tips!

  2. I usually hate using bleach but when it comes to tile and grout, I really like to add it to any recipe. I can’t wait to give this one a try! Thanks for sharing.

  3. We’ve been stumbling around the internet and found your blog along the way.

    We love your work! What a great corner of the internet 🙂

  4. Looks like a very powerful solution to clean your tile and grout. I think the main ingredient of this recipe that really helps a lot when it comes to cleaning is the vinegar. Its so effective and works really well on any surfaces not just for tile and grout. Thank you for sharing this amazing tips.

  5. Great to know, thank you for sharing post.

  6. It’s so great to know you are a writer that cares about the information you provide. This is smartly done and well-written in my opinion.

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