It isn’t glorious, glittery, or glamorous. Hard work and empty pockets. So why do I bother?
This is not philosophical, discussing the next generation raised in an agrarian society or any such thing. This has far more to do with the taste of a real tomato.
10 reasons I homestead:
1. Daily life has many sides. From creativity to accounting, to creative accounting; the need for ingenuity and need for routine, even ingenious routine…I actively use both sides of my brain.
2. No one’s egg tastes better than the ones I find under the wheelbarrow or in the playhouse.
No other apple rivals that from the tops of my own trees.
3. I have a constant awareness of just how small, minute, and meaningless I am as an individual in comparison to the marvels of Creation.
I have a constant awareness of how much the little things matter.
Both extremes keep everything else in perspective.
4. I know what I am eating. I can pronounce it. I can recreate it. Heck, I probably even named it.
5. Duty. I am fulfilling a rather joyful obligation to take care of the earth (man’s first directive from God himself). Some do this with a flower box on a balcony, I do this on the side of a hill, but we can all take part in this one.
6. I have something to show for my work at the end of a day. Often, anyway.
7. I have no commute, no big city monthly parking fee, no homeowner’s association & no need for a gym membership.
8. I get to play in the dirt.
9. I have always loved the combined smell of wet grass and manure, ever since I was a little girl. Who’s with me on this one?
Alternatively… the smell of the early spring blooms, the buzz and hum of the birds and bees working hard towards that end. The slightest breeze, the gentle beginnings of a summer rain. The taste of the carrot straight from the ground, the tomato from vine-to-mouth…the happy honking of a goose or the taily-wag of an excited outdoor companion…these are the things that construct my day as I homestead.
10. I know where my food comes from, and I know what to do with it!
*Catch the next blog (a continuation, of sorts): Homesteading: 10 Things I Have Learned
Nothing in this blog constitutes medical advice. You should consult your own physician before making any dietary changes. Statements in this blog may or may not be congruent with current USDA or FDA guidance.
Photo Credits:
Unless otherwise stated, all photos are property of Pantry Paratus. Feel free to share them on your social media, but please keep proper attribution.