Pantry Staple: Condensed Creamed Soup Recipe

I keep this recipe taped to a kitchen cupboard for those last minute meals that need a little something. 

Chaya's Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup

You can make this for “cream of”  mushroom, celery, or chicken.  If you are making it with chicken, substitute half of the milk with chicken broth instead.  Dehydrated mushrooms and celery work well for this, but rehydrate them first prior to cooking.  This recipe makes approximately 20 oz of soup.

Condensed Creamed Soup Substitute

2 Tbsp butter

2 Tbsp olive oil

1/4 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp salt (or more to taste)

12 fresh mushrooms,  1 can/jar of mushrooms, or 3-5 celery stocks

2 cups milk (or substitute half with cream for a richer soup)

1.  Heat butter and oil, then add flour and salt to make a roux.

2. Add the mushrooms (or celery or chicken) and cook about 1 minute, just to soften.

3. Add milk slowly and stir until thickened. 

4.  Season to taste with salt. 

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