Preview: Backyard Homestead

Backyard Homestead

Book Preview



I can spend a day in the solitude of my mind, with the gentle buzzing of others doing the same in the local bookstore. You tend to gravitate towards certain categories, some books disappoint…others are a very pleasant surprise indeed. We have a hand-picked selection of books at Pantry Paratus. We are readers and learners by nature; we only pass along those books that we believe are the highest quality of information–and they are real page-turners, too!  In fact, we love this book so much that Wilson wrote his review of it here.


The “Backyard Homestead” is the perfect get-started guide for someone in the suburbs or with a small little chunk of earth to tend.  You can have animals and gardens in the most humble circumstances (people keep bees and gardens on apartment balconies).  If you think you do not have the space, this is the place for you to start looking. 

Here is the online book preview, go ahead and flip a few pages.




Happy Perusing,


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