80 million.
That is the number of corn acres in the United States.
Continue reading How your local farmer NOT growing GMO corn got hurt
80 million.
That is the number of corn acres in the United States.
Continue reading How your local farmer NOT growing GMO corn got hurt
The people who shop at Pantry Paratus and the people who interact with us through Facebook and email are often very different from one another. There are self-described hippies and conservatives (and even people like me who get accused of both quite often). There are Christians, Atheists, Pagans and other faith representations. We have vegans, traditional foodists (bring on the bone broth!), paleo, and conventional-food lovers who are exploring what it might mean to make a change. There is the pro-wheat crowd and the gluten-free one. There are city-dwellers, homesteaders, farmers, and busy suburban moms just trying to abate food allergies or illness….the differences abound.
Continue reading Walking the Plank of Politics Simply Because I Like Real Food