(Yeehaw, it’s a…) Raw Milk Roundup!

WholeNewMom Cowshare

Yeehaw–It’s a…

Raw Milk Roundup!

The Pantry Paratus blog covers homesteading, kitchen “how to,” food science, and even occasional food news.  We try to mix it up, but sometimes we begin researching something and realize that the subject is much bigger and too complex for a single article.   Raw milk is definitely one of those subjects!  In such a case, we like to do multiple part series such as the 3-part series on Cacao, another one on chocolate,  Preserving the Summer’s End, Deer Processing, and even Baking Powder and Sulfur (used as a food preservative) became their own multi-part series!

Risk of Raw Milk

If you missed our other recent blog about The Risk of Raw Milk , I think it would be worth your while to open that in its own tab for a later read.   And if you, like myself, want to do some further research on this complex issue, can I suggest a few places to start?

Defining Milk

Don't Waste the Crumbs: Defining Milk

You wouldn’t think it would be that hard; it’s the stuff that comes from a mammal, right?  Well, there are a lot of terms on the average milk jug and Tiffany breaks it down for you.

The History of Raw Milk and Pasteurization

History of Raw Milk and Pasteurization

Tiffany doesn’t waste time getting to the facts of the thing; sick cows give sick milk.  But instead of fixing the problem, they decided to mask it instead—at least, in AmericaGet the real history here.


What Local Raw Milk Means in the UK

Wyken Market with And Here We Are

Ariana lives near Suffolk and she finds her raw milk at Wyken Market.  I have yet to visit the UK, but I think I have a new stop added to my itinerary if I do ever get there.  They offer more than charm–they offer nutritious, local foods that boost the neighborhood economy and encourage community.  Here are some more photos–see more when you visit And Here We Are.

Raw Milk at Wyken Market


Understanding Cowshares & the Legalities of That

Cowshares and Raw Milk Legalities


Adrienne helps us understand what a cowshare is, and what steps we can take in our state government if this isn’t an option for where we may live.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Raw Milk

Raw Milk Benefits and Drawbacks

Tiffany is quite honest about both—the benefits and the drawbacks of raw milk.  If you are considering making the switch for your family, check out this article on Don’t Waste the Crumbs.

We got more coming your way.  I did a double-dog-dare.  I took three young children to a 2 hour legislative hearing on raw milk in our state’s capital a few weeks ago.  I’m going to tell you all about that next time!  Keep up with all of the Pantry Paratus news when you sign up for our bi-weeklyish newsletter (sales & store awesomeness) and for our weekly blog feed email!




Nothing in this blog constitutes medical or legal advice.  You should consult your own physician before making any dietary changes.  Statements in this blog may or may not be congruent with current USDA or FDA guidance.

The Awesome Photos you see in this blog were used with permission by the blogs featured in this post.  Check out all of their great photography by clicking on the pictures to travel to their pages, but understand that they alone hold the nontransferable copyrights.


Ashley Browning

posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 9:34:51 PM America/Denver

Hi Chaya, its Ashley from The Browning Homestead- I was at that raw milk hearing! Next time we’ll have to connect! Your children were right behind me- they were so quiet!!I just pulled up your blog and saw your picture!  I remember you and it’s such a shame I didn’t recognize you there!  How fun that we’re “neighbors!”  Please send me an email if you continue to follow that legislation through the process, maybe we can catch up with one another! Oh, and thanks for the compliment; I was very, very proud of my children.
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