If the title wasn’t enough to offend you, keep reading. I’ll be getting nasty letters about our zombie-free zone for some time to come, I am certain.
Preparedness is knowing that the world has Ugly. It’s not hiding from it, ignoring it, or pretending that you are an exception. Preparedness is a mindset that says, “if I plan ahead, I’ll fare better come Hell or high-water.” And we know that Hell & high-water is an abbreviated list these days. We believe in preparedness and have brought the subject to you in previous articles like these:
- Top Ten List: Why I Believe in Preparedness
- Two is One & One is None: What is your single point of failure?
- Bug Out Bags: Cheap Insurance
- Pantry Paratus Podcast: Interview with Lisa Bedford, Survival Mom
- Pre-Storm Shopping List
We often use terms like “saving for a rainy day” to imply that you have zero certainty that the future looks as good, that your tummy will be as plump as today.
Come on Chaya, the “zombie” thing is just fun, and we all know the purpose is to imply the importance of self-defense. Get over it already.
Okay, no. I won’t get over it. Frankly, the zombie thing is just way overdone; just as princess pink is so little-girl-cliché, the zombie thing is a survivalist cliché that makes zombie-preachers either appear paranoid or heartless. Here are the main reasons why Pantry Paratus has chosen to be a zombie-free zone:
Zombie-Free Zone Reason #1: Fear-mongering
I get the point of the zombie thing, I actually do.

The point for many is that “the Unknown Hordes of Lazy-Butts will be coming for your water storage because they were too busy watching the latest must-see-t.v. to plan ahead for themselves.” Those are harsh words and that is the sentiment behind much of the zombiness you see online. Yes, history indicates the importance of:
- keeping your mouth shut in the first place about just how prepared you really might be,
- and being mentally and physically ready to defend your children and loved ones from people with harmful intentions.
But zombies, people? By reaching for the fanciful image of half-demons marching towards you, they are playing on your memories of sneaking into that horror movie when you were 12 years old, the one that Mom said you couldn’t watch. Remember? The one that gave you nightmares for 4 months, but you couldn’t tell mom cuz she’d know you disobeyed?
Zombie perpetuators are playing into your worst fears, attempting to give a gross visualization of all that is wrong with the world. I can see what is wrong with the world without the need for special effects, thank you.
Zombie-Free Zone Reason #2: It doesn’t pass the thought-test.
Simply put, there are just some things that are unhealthy, and to stay healthy, I use the Philipians 4:8 model. Not everyone knows this verse or lives by it, but it’s a great one no matter what your believe system may be. It goes like this:
Whatsoever things are true,
Whatsoever things are honest,
Whatsoever things are just,
Whatsoever things are pure,
Whatsoever things are lovely,
Whastsoever things are of good report:
If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.

Let’s break it down: it is true that there will be people unprepared and looking for assistance from you. Some will come begging, some may come forcefully, and we recommend that you consider preparing for that scenario. It is not true that zombies are coming after you (although I have heard that people really are starting to believe this now, no joke).
Honest—when someone uses logical fallacies or fear mongering to get you to see their point of view, they are not being honest with you. Maybe not with themselves, either.
Just—this is the heart of it right here. If we can make the unprepared neighbor into a heartless, humanless form coming after me first, then it is “just” for me to blast him with my Zombie-nator 3000. Well, that isn’t just because that isn’t an honest depiction of what is happening. What is just is treating all people as God’s creation.
Pure—The pictures I’ve seen of them are disgusting and humanless.
Lovely—yeah, no.
I think I’ve just brought my readership down to about one <hi, Mom!>.
Zombie-Free Zone #3: Zombie-ism Diminishes humanity
This is my chief complaint: the notion of zombies dehumanizes others in a “what-if” scenario, preparing a generation to get trigger-happy since, after all, it’s a video game, right? Wrong.
Peace, Love, & Chicken Grease
I’ve talked about what we won’t fill our blog about—zombies! But I haven’t given the alternative. Let’s start with realigning our thought process about our neighbor. Again, I think of a cool story some of you may have never heard; it’s one Jesus told after he’d said that we are to “love your neighbor,” and someone in the crowd wanted clarification: “Who is my neighbor?”.
The story goes like this: So there was this guy who got beaten and robbed by thugs along the road, and left for dead in the dust. A couple of people walked by, people with power and influence, and even money. “Ewww,” they thought, “touching that trash heap will only hurt my success,” and on they walk. But there was one who stopped. The irony? He was nowhere near a neighbor. He was from a rivaling place and a rivaling religious belief (think of this story in terms of a Muslim and Jew, even, to get a clearer picture of what Jesus was saying). He didn’t just stop to offer help. He carried the man to the nearest hotel and paid all of his medical care—and even respite care!
There were no zombies in the story, but there were some zombie-ninjas: they were the ones who couldn’t help the neighbor. Who is your neighbor? The one to whom you are in proximity, the one whom you have the means to help.
I’m not a fan of zombies either, and I think you pretty much summed it all up.
Thanks! I was nervous when I saw a comment pending already, lol… it was encouraging to see your comment and that we aren’t the only ones!
Zombies are silly, nice to know others feel the same. Now back to the important stuff.
While I agree with the “Zombie-ness”, I have learned over the seasons of “The Walking Dead” as a newbie Survivalists items I needed to prepare.
Although bio-terrorism could be a possibility, survival of your family is the biggest reality.
I found your blog through “Pioneer Settler” and “Survival Mom”, they’re both great sources of no-nonsense information like yourself.
Love it! No cupcake icing for me, I want to know how to be better prepared & you ladies are the real deal!
Thanks Stephanie! It’s definitely a journey, and it takes a constant reevaluation of what the local threats might be. There was a day when natural disasters were all that most people worried about, and now terrorism is a prominent reality. We’re all constantly learning and adding new aspects to our homesteads and our level of preparedness. Good luck!
Are you actually not necromancing and committed to purity and do not have a zombie/demon dybbuk?? Please email me asap!
There are zombie free zones popping up all over the place where Zombie is a euphemism for progressive and they are promoting the worst kinds of racism. Don’t get your analogies stolen folks.