Preserve It Naturally: The Complete Guide to Food Dehydration, 4th Edition
The Fourth Edition of Preserve It Naturally is complete with an added chapter on Raw and Living Foods and more recipes.
Beautifully photographed, all-color book. This Book is the 101 on Dehydration perfect for people who are just starting out or for Seasoned Drying Enthusiasts who want more ideas and recipes. Chapters on fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, herbs, nuts, grains, dairy products, crafts, cake decorating, potpourri, sachets, macrame beads, dough art, wreaths, and much more. Recipes for hot/cold appetizers, soups, salads, main/side dishes, sauces, beverages, desserts, snacks, trail mixes, breads, and more.
When you buy an Excalibur Dehydrator at Pantry Paratus, we send you a copy of this book for free–we want to see you succeed!
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