The Reluctant Naturalist: I paid HOW MUCH for groceries??!!??!!??

The Reluctant Naturalist: I spent how much on groceries?

Erin was told that her chronic pain was caused by a combination of things, to include sugar and an allergy to potatoes.  As it turns out, potatoes are in nearly everything in some form (even your table salt).   She had to dump nearly all of the spices and pantry staples she owned and find alternatives that were foreign to her cooking style and tastes.  There is a major learning curve to this, as anyone who’s gone through it would tell you if they got honest enough.  Be encouraged!  You–and she–will learn more tricks to the trade.  There are definitely ways to keep the budget lower, but you have to learn what you can eat and how to cook it.  Give yourself time.  In the meantime…let’s take a peek into Erin’s journal.



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