Another use for the Klamper tool: Building a Compost Bin

Build a Compost Bin

Another great use for the Klamper Tool




Nature is the ultimate conservationist.   You can help focus that reutilization with a simple compost bin.  So you want to build soil, but you are thrifty—how can you do it?  Well, I came across some used pallets and I got to looking at them to see if I could build a compost bin without spending additional money on fasteners. Here is how I did it using the Stronghold Haywire Klamper tool in just under four minutes (sort of):





How to build a compost bin: Start off with some pallets , I scored mine for free at the local hardware store.  The wire that I used comes on a roll (probably sold at your local hardware store) by the ¼, ½ or full mile—so there is no need to be super precise in your measurements.  I had a pair of lineman’s pliers on hand, but you can use any sharp cutter, and lastly we use the Klamper tool because it gets it done!


After you have the tools together to build a compost bin, take four pallets the same width and stand up two of them on end while locking the corners in tightly together.  Use a bungee cord or have someone help you hold them together to make your first tie with the Klamper. 


Now, finish tying that corner together and add the third pallets to the other side.  You should end up with a small corral at this point.  Take the fourth one and cut it to be shorter so that you can access the bin or just tie it onto the front if you do not mind jumping in there to shovel it out. 



make a compost bin


You can start with a more elegant solution like this kitchen compost bin to collect scraps, but getting them to compost efficiently outdoors can be more involved.  Still have questions on composting?  Check out our book review of Composting for Dummies and then read our interview with the author Cathy Cromell


If you have never tried a Klamper tool, you can use the coupon code “BUILD” and get one for $19.99 (normally $24.95) through August 31st, 2012.


A compost bin is a great way to redirect those ordinarily wasted nutrients.  For composting, you basically need Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and time.  It is a great way to recycle that waste into great top soil!  In a compost bin, on the ground, in the ground, aerobic or anerobicjust compost!  Go ahead, try making your own compost bin and tell us how you did in the comments section below. 



Pro Deo et Patria


Photo Credits:

All photos by Pantry Paratus


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