My how the chickens love this. It’s just what we do after fish night now. You can make homemade chicken feed from everyday scraps, but some scraps need to be broken down for them.
By grinding the parts that humans do not consume and feeding the chickens, we cut down on chicken feed and provide amazing nutrition to the girls.
We made this video five years ago when we first got our Chop Rite, and I don’t know why we never posted it. With five years’ experience with owning a Chop Rite, I can speak with some authority when I say that it was an excellent investment for our homestead.
Oh, and it’s still Made in America. The company used to be called “Enterprise” and once in awhile, you can still find an old Enterprise at an estate sale or in a dusty attic. They haven’t changed the design since they came out well over 100 years ago, so if you need Enterprise replacement parts, we have those too.
[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/BidW_EQyR-g” title=”Using%20the%20Chop%20Rite%20Chopper%20for%20Homemade%20Chicken%20Feed” width=”500″ color=”white” theme=”light” autohide=”1″ rel=”0″ nocookie=”1″]VIEW CHOP RITE