![Wheat Bread & Gluten Free Recipes](https://pantryparatus.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Wheat-Bread-Gluten-Free.jpg)
Pantry Paratus knows bread; it is probably what we do best! In fact, if you sign up for our newsletter, you get a half-hour bread baking tutorial video in your inbox (in about 24 hours). If you are new to baking or to baking with home-milled flour, that video is a great place to start! Below, we share some of our favorite Pantry Paratus recipes, but below that you will find some other excellent wheat bread and gluten-free bread recipes.
You’ll want to check out all of our great bread baking recipes and troubleshooting tips available at Pantry Paratus. Here are a few of our favorite recipes:
Homemade Bread–Pantry Paratus Style
Pizza Crust & Focaccia Bread Recipe
Altitude Baking & Bread Recipe
Here’s some great food science we’ve given to you at Pantry Paratus:
Pre-Ferments: Choosing which kind to use & other factors
Baking a Doorstop: How to Know if the Yeast is Working
What I Put In My Bread: The “Why”Is Home Ground Flour a “Processed” Food? Whole Wheat vs. Hole Wheat
Unpronounceable: Azodicarbonamide
Bleach: What Does It Have to do with Flour?
The lighter side:
Homeschooling + Bread Baking (with recipe)
10 Things to Never Say to a Bread Baker
Basics of Breadbaking: An Interview with Chaya’s Mentor
Everyone’s needs are different; we all have different preferences for flavor, ingredients, and even the time requirements for baking. With that in mind, we want to share our favorite bread recipes that, frankly, we wish we’d thought of first. Some of these are wheat bread; others are gluten free bread recipes.
Focaccia Bread
I’m gushing–I’m in the presence of a Rock Star!
Here’s a little known fact: Amalfi, Italy is my favorite place in the world. It’s where Wilson’s grandparents are from, and we had the opportunity to visit. You cannot help but fall in love forever with that place–and Linda from The Organic Kitchen had the foresight to plan a cooking class while there. This focaccia bread is what she learned! Linda, you are my hero.
Gluten-Free Focaccia-Flax Bread
Don’t worry, Jenny from Au Naturale Nutrition has you covered if you are gluten-free…she gives a recipe that has quite a few different uses for you–and makes a mighty tasty focaccia bread!
Sourdough Starter with Only 2 Ingredients
Chris gives us a simple way to make a starter at home–you can start right now and skip ordering the packets online (which have had hit-or-miss efficacy for me in the past). And it’s obvious Chris from Joybilee Farm knows her stuff, because she swears by her Wondermill! So do we, that’s why we sell them here.
Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter (with Kombucha)
“A sourdough starter?” you ask. Oh yes. You didn’t know you needed it until you had it, but the nutritional boost it’ll give…well…nearly everything is pure awesomeness. You know what else is pure awesomeness? That Andrea from It Takes Time shares here gluten-free version with us.
Grain-Free, Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread
You had to know this recipe was coming after the gluten-free starter, right? Well, Andrea did it again, with a nutritent dense bread that anyone can enjoy.
Honey Flax Bread (Gluten Free, Egg Free)
I appreciate the accessibility of this gluten-free recipe. I’m not a gluten-free kitchen and I have all of these things! I do occasionally make gluten-free recipes for friends, so I appreciate this easy bread by Raia’s Recipes.
French Bread (Gluten-Free & Paleo)
It’s almost impossible for me to believe this recipe is gluten-free & paleo from simply looking at the picture–but yup! Now, it calls for a few ingredients I don’t already have, but Jenny from Au Naturale Nutrition offers out a substitution I can make. If I were a gluten-free/paleo kitchen, I would make this a staple recipe.
Tapioca & Almond Flour Baguettes
Here’s another gluten-free, paleo bread for you sandwich lovers. Healing, Yoga, & Qigong offers a high-iron, high-protein bread that will keep you going all day long. Check out that site for a lot of helpful info, including this grain-free/sugar-free recipe for coconut bread with zucchini!
Still looking for more?
Laurie from Common Sense Homesteading offers 13 Homemade Bread Recipes!
Bread baking is a traditional art form, and a nourishing one too! We want to inspire you, and help you get started. Be sure to browse the tools at Pantry Paratus, and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to get the best of the Pantry Paratus bread collection sent right to your inbox!
All photos were used with permission but belong to their respective owners. Please visit their sites for information regarding copyright.
Andrea @LittleBigHarvest
posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 6:34:32 PM America/Denver
Andrea Fabry
posted on Monday, January 19, 2015 8:15:52 AM America/Denver